Federal Budget Guidance and Analysis Since 1974

About Us
   Our newsletter is built around an energetic mission...to bring you the budget process, week in & week out.  We alert you to key details from the full Appropriations committee reports, which are the explanatory text of each chamber’s version of your funding bills.  This language...fleshes out what’s being emphasized  (or demanded)  in terms of budget justifications, timetables, responding to committee questions, money being withheld until certain conditions are met & other issues.    

    You will also get a front row seat to who is pounding the table on what; explanations of how decisions evolve; what you need to steer clear of; new reporting requirements being laid down (and importantly why they are being added or removed); and other insights.  

     In addition...OMB guidance & White House directives are followed closely - alerting you to new responsibilities.  We cover subcommittee hearings & testimony – a valuable source in understanding the pulse of subcommittee members, their likes, dislikes & overall approach to funding your bill.   

    We also keep you on top of financial matters, management issues, CBO & GAO reports (whose findings & recommendations frequently find their way into committee report language).   At the same time, Congressional Research Service reports are reviewed, bringing you the authoritative backdrop to any topic that is covered and a glimpse into how issues are framed for Congress.  This provides insights which can give you a distinct advantage in how you approach budget & program issues.

     The budget process never stops...and there's always too much to do.  New opportunities may present themselves, that you weren’t aware of.  You need all the extra help you can get.  Let us provide it.